Lanterns: The Emperor's Gifts Expansion
Lanterns: The Emperor's Gifts. The emperor has declared that pavilions shall be constructed among the lanterns floating on the lake for this year’s festival. Place pavilions to earn gifts from the emperor, and redeem those gifts for powerful actions to make this the best harvest festival yet! In this expansion, designed by Jason D. Kingsley, players have a small supply of pavilions. When you place a tile, you may choose to build a pavilion on that tile. When you make a color match on a pavilion, you earn a gift from the emperor, a new currency that can be redeemed on new actions defined by emperor cards. Each game, two Emperor cards are revealed from a small deck. Each turn, each player can redeem two gifts to activate one card and perform the special action associated with it: make an extra dedication at the end of your turn, convert favor tokens into victory points, etc. These actions increase the variety and the puzzliness of the base game.
Players: 2 - 4
Playing Time: 30 - 30 Minutes
Complexity: 2.0/5
Year Released: 2016